"I'm Going To Wreck Their Reset"

(August 17, 2022)


"The enemy is planning their Great Reset in order to bring about their One World Government before the appointed time. They know their time is short so they are desperately trying to accelerate the timeline. However, I will not allow anyone or anything to interfere with the course I have determined, says the Eternal One. Nothing shall come to pass before its appointed time. Therefore, I AM going to wreck their Reset! I AM going to spoil their evil plans. I AM going to replace their Reset with My Restoration, says the GREAT I AM! My Judgement will soon fall upon those who have planned and perpetuated their evil agenda. None shall be able to save them from my righteous right hand, says the Lord Jesus, for I AM the Righteous Judge. Do not weep at their coming destruction, but rejoice, for their hindrance is about to be removed."